
Welcome to Wine Flair!

Ever felt awkward when ordering wine at a restaurant? Ever walked into a wine store and had no idea where to begin, what to buy or how much to pay?

Ever looked at a European wine label and wondered what’s in there? Then is just for you. It’s all about wine education and appreciation, written in plain language.

@askparamount @askparamount: 1) Don't tell me what to watch, or what TV to watch it on. 2) A subscription is a subscription. You took and are taking my money but refusing to deliver the service. That's #fraud.
3) I tried to enter my "credentials." YOUR system wouldn't take them.

@paramountplus #dishonest, #scam. #subscription via @PrimeVideo won’t let me watch ANY on large smart #TV, demands $12 “upgrade” to watch @theagency_sho. @FTC @pissedconsumer #thievery

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