
Free the Garden State Grapes!

New Jersey is the fifth largest state in the union for wine consumption (source: Adams Wine Handbook 2007) but one of only 13 states that continue to ban winery to consumer shipments.

More than 80% of the U.S. population already has access to direct shipments of wine and New Jersey residents should, too.

BUT two bills, NJ Assembly Bill 1702 and NJ Senate Bill 766, may pave the way for dramatically improving access to wines from across the U.S.  AB1702 is identical to SB766, which passed the Senate on March 11, 2010.

Both bills are based on the model direct shipping bill, now the legislative standard used by most U.S. states for legal, regulated direct-to-consumer shipments of wine.  These laws satisfy consumer demand and safety requirements, and create a new source for state tax revenues.

CLICK ON THIS LINK and tell your legislators to give us the rights enjoyed by residents of dozens of other states!
