
Wine 101

Drink wine – it drives sorrow from the heart.

Omar Khayyam, ancient Persian poet, philosopher, and astronomer

If God forbade drinking, would he have made wine so good?

Cardinal Richeleu

Wine is bottled poetry.

Robert Louis Stevenson

In this section of WineFlair, you’ll find “Why Wine?”, a brief overview of the ways in which wine has captivated people’s interest since recorded history…and probably before. Visit Why Wine

Second, you’ll find some detailed guidelines about how to taste, appreciate and evaluate wine, along with a tasting notepad for recording your thoughts. Visit Tasting Notes

You’ll also find an explanation of the art of pairing wine with food, including a chart with a lot of basic pairing ideas. Visit Wine & Food Pairing

Finally, you’ll find some thoughts on what good wine service should be in a restaurant, and how to make sure you’re getting that good service…and how to participate. Visit Wine Service
