
Perfect Pairing: Corn Fritters and off-dry Vouvray!

Over the Christmas holidays, I twice made fresh corn fritters and served them with pure maple syrup.

And – I accompanied them with a chilled Vouvray, Domaine le Peu de la Moriette J.C. Pichot 2008.

The pairing was a big hit both times!

Vouvray is a wine region in the Loire Valley in France, and its wines are typically made from 100% Chenin Blanc, although in that appellation a small amount of the Arbois grape is permitted but rarely used.  Chenin Blanc isn’t too popular or well known in the US, and that’s too bad, as it makes a wonderful, silky and lush white wine. It’s also made very well in South Africa and sometimes referred to by its local name there, Steen.

Vouvrays can come in a variety of styles from dry to sweet, with off-dry and semi-sweet in between.  This one is off-dry, and delivers up apricot, pear and fig flavors, with more than a hint of sweetness yet nicely balanced with just enough acid. It’s got a creamy, lively and nicely long finish.

Not that it matters much, but those of you who dig ratings will be happy to hear that Wine Spectator gives this vintage of J.C. Pichot 90 points, even though it’s only about $14-15.  A great wine, a great value, and a great pairing, if I do say so myself.

Now for the simple and easy corn fritter recipe:

Beat 2 eggs.  Mix in 2 cups flour, 2 cups creamed corn, 4 teaspoons baking power and a tablespoon or three of melted butter.  Drop soup-spoon sized globs of the mixture into 350 degree oil, preferably in a deep fryer with a basket.  The fritters will float to the surface; flip ’em over so they are nicely browned on both sides, about 4-5 minutes.

Serve with pure maple syrup…and the Vouvray!!!
