
Tannat and Marselan from Uruguay…Spectacular!

I’ve recently written about wines from Bolivia, but in looking for them recently I came upon some spectacular ones from Uruguay–Tannat, yes, but also Marselan, also the name of the variety and the varietal, and both from Bodega Garzón. The massive winery has a capacity of 2.2 million liters (581,000

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Great Wine Books for Christmas

One of the ways I’ve learned about wine, oddly enough, is to read wine books. And here are some great book for Christmas. These are a few years old but I really enjoyed them. NOTE: COMING SOON–Reviews of “The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of

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Viognier for the Holidays!

Viognier is among the world’s most aromatic whites, with a rich, viscous fullness, often a relatively high alcohol content and even some distinct spiciness on the palate. If, for example, you’re used to light, innocuous Pinot Grigio, this wonderful grape might just knock you over – it makes one of

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Wanna Get High? Try Some 5,000-foot Bolivian Wine!

I’ve never really thought much about Bolivian wine. Ok, I’ve never thought about Bolivian wine at all, until the other night, when I heard the tail end of a story on NPR in my car, and the one word that registered was “Tannat.” So I started to do some research.

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My Ten Wine Rules!

There is bad wine. Some wine is not good, which means it’s bad—poorly made, and it has flaws. It might be cheap, but it might also be expensive.  It doesn’t make you a snob to think a wine is bad. Not all expensive wine is good. You aren’t a low-class

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